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Has your child suffered a birth injury?
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Birth Injury Lawyers of Texas will fight for the largest verdict or settlement possible.
Cerebral palsy is a catchall phrase for a collection of neurological chronic diseases that affect body movements and muscle coordination. Cerebral palsy is an impairment of movement or posture caused by damage to the brain. “Cerebral” refers to the brain, and “palsy” means a problem with movement or posture. Cerebral palsy affects children in different ways, depending on their age at diagnosis.
Cerebral palsy can also be caused by events that take place just before, during, and after birth. Cerebral palsy resulting from an interruption of blood supply to the brain is generally avoidable and was caused by medical negligence on the part of obstetricians, nurses, or other medical care providers in many situations. Birth Injury Lawyers of Texas regularly represent parents of children with cerebral palsy caused by physician negligence or mistakes made in the delivery room.
We are well-versed in the complicated, but often frivolous, excuses employed by defendant doctors, insurance companies, and lawyers. We take pride in our success in safeguarding families who have been affected by children born with cerebral palsy as a result of substandard medical care.
Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.
We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.
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Cerebral palsy typically presents throughout the newborn period. Parents are often very aware of the condition since the infant requires intensive medical care, such as respiratory support and feeding assistance. Other symptoms of cerebral palsy include swallowing difficulties, keeping one’s head upright, and maintaining posture. Cerebral palsy can manifest as a minor delay in development.
To identify cerebral palsy, doctors will examine babies’ reflexes and motor skills, birth records, and parents’ medical backgrounds. A child with cerebral palsy may have any combination of physical, developmental, and learning problems. Speech difficulties are one of the most common symptoms; other issues include abnormal sensation and perception, vision, hearing, breathing and bladder control difficulties, and learning disabilities. The following are three of the most prevalent types of cerebral palsy:
The majority, or 80%, of all cerebral palsy cases are caused by this form. It leads to permanently contracted and rigid muscles. Patients have difficulties shifting from one position to the next and holding and releasing objects. Motor function is limited, and patients encounter problems with moving from one posture to the next as well as maintaining a grip on things.
Athetoid cerebral palsy is a condition in which the head and body are abnormally small and causes hypotonia, involuntary movement, poor posture, slurred speech, and difficulty swallowing.
Ataxic cerebral palsy is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It can range from mild to severe, with most patients reporting ten symptoms or fewer. It’s possible that this form may be hereditary or linked to poor nutrition.
There are several known reasons for cerebral palsy, including bacterial meningitis or viral encephalitis, which attack the brain, and traumatic brain injuries as a result of accidents. Obstetricians and/or nurses sometimes overlook to observe the fetal well-being while a woman is in labor and delivery, which can result in cerebral palsy. They may neglect to notice and treat apparent fetal distress on electronic fetal monitoring equipment. Medical errors can cause hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) if the baby’s brain does not receive enough oxygen during childbirth, resulting in a lack of oxygen to the infant’s brain. The term most often refers to a brain damage incurred by newborns, and those with HIE are more likely to have cerebral palsy.
Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.
We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.
Complete The Form Or Call – (888) 294-8480
The cord may be wrapped around the baby’s neck, or pressure may be applied to the baby’s head or neck during delivery, causing cerebral palsy. Maternal health care providers may also miss or misdiagnose the mother’s illnesses, track her baby’s heart rate incorrectly, detect a prolapsed umbilical cord, or conduct a cesarean section too late. A medical malpractice lawsuit against a negligent doctor or hospital may be used to provide financial compensation for victims and accountability for those who are accountable in the event that a medical professional fails to deliver acceptable care.
When medical care providers fail to promptly identify and treat infectious diseases such as meningitis or jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia), cerebral palsy can result. Cerebral palsy, which includes a range of symptoms affecting movement and motor function, may result from delays in identifying and treating these disorders. It can also include problems such as:
Brain injury claims and personal injury lawsuits in Texas are the specialty of Birth Injury Lawyers of Texas.
Call our office at (888) 294-8480 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with an experienced birth injury lawyer immediately.
Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.
We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.
Complete The Form Or Call – (888) 294-8480
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